
popular science [in French]

. Sueur J (2024) – Et si on apprenait à écouter la nature ? Libération. link

. Sueur J (2023) – Histoire naturelle du silence. Actes Sud. link

. Sueur J (2022) – Le son de la Terre. Actes Sud. link

. Sueur J (2021) – Les paysages sonores se recomposent. La Recherche. link

. Sueur J (2020) – Le confinement des humains : une trêve sonore pour la nature. Echo Bruit, 164 : 18-20 pdf

. Sueur J, Lavandier C, Adam O, Lorenzi C, Mietlicki F, Ecotière D, Avan P, Polack JD, Burgess M (2020) – Sortir du bruit : penser notre environnement sonore de demain. Le Monde, 11 mai. pdf

. Sueur J (2020) – Dans le silence du virus : quels effets sur les êtres vivants ? The Conversation (France). link

. Sueur J (2020) – L’écoacoustique: écouter la nature pour mieux la préserver. The Conversation (France). link

peer-review journals [in English]

. Poutaraud J, Sueur J, Thébaud C, Haupert S (2024) Meta-Embedded Clustering (MEC): A new method for improving clustering quality in unlabeled bird sound datasets. Ecological Informatics. link

. Desjonquères C, Linke S, Greenhalgh J, Rybak F, Sueur J (2024) – The potential of acoustic monitoring of aquatic insects for freshwater assessment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. link

. de Baudouin A, Couprie P, Michaud F, Haupert S, Sueur J (2024) – Similarity visualization of soundscapes in ecology and music. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. link

. Lorenzi C, Apoux F, Grinfeder E, Krause B, Miller-Viacava N, Sueur, J (2023) Human Auditory Ecology: Extending Hearing Research to the Perception of Natural Soundscapes by Humans in Rapidly Changing Environments. Trends in Hearing. link

. Apoux F, Miller Viacava N, Ferrière R, Dai H, Krause B, Sueur J Lorenzi C (2023) Auditory discrimination of natural soundscapes. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. link

. Michaud F, Sueur J, Le Cesne M, Haupert S (2023) Unsupervised classification to improve the quality of a bird song recording dataset. Ecological Informatics. link

. Haupert S, Sèbe F, Sueur J (2022). Physics-based model to predict the acoustic detection distance of terrestrial autonomous recording units over the diel cycle and across seasons: Insights from an Alpine and a Neotropical forest. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. link

. Grinfeder E, Lorenzi C, Haupert S, Sueur J (2022). What Do We Mean by “Soundscape”? A functional description. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. link

. Folliot A, Haupert S, Ducrettet M, Sèbe F, Sueur J (2022) – Using acoustics and artificial intelligence to monitor pollination by insects and tree use by woodpeckers. Science of the Total Environment. link

. Šturm R, López Díez JJ, Polajnar J, Sueur J, Virant-Doberlet M (2022) – Is it time for ecotremology? Frontiers in Ecolgy and Evolution, 10: 828503. link

. Grinfeder E, Haupert S, Ducrettet M, Barlet J, Reynet M-P, Sèbe F, Sueur J (2022) – Soundscape dynamics of a cold protected forest: dominance of aircraft noise. Landscape Ecology. link

. Sueur J, Krause B, Farina A (2021) – Acoustic biodiversity. Current Biology, R1172-R1173 link

. Bolaños P, Aubin T, Padilla A, Sueur J (2021) – Acoustic competition within a tropical bird community: the case of the Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno in Guatemala. Journal of Tropical Ecology. link

. Šturm R, Rexhepi B, López Díez JJ, Blejec A, Polajnar J, Sueur J, Virant-Doberlet M (2021) Vibroscape – an overlooked world of vibrational communication. iScience, 24(9), 103070. link

. Ulloa JS, Haupert S, Latorre JS, Aubin T, Sueur J (2021) – scikit-maad: An open-source and modular toolbox for quantitative soundscape analysis in Python. Methods et Ecology and Evolution. link

. Fouquet A, Tilly T, Pasukonis A, Courtois EA, Gaucher P, Ulloa JS, Sueur J (2020) – Simulated chorus attracts conspecific and heterospecific Amazonian explosive-breeding frogs. Biotropica, 53: 63-73. link

. Stowell D, Sueur J (2020) Ecoacoustics: acoustic sensing for biodiversity monitoring at scale. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 6: 217-219. link

. Bonnefond A, Courtois E, Sueur J, Sugai, LS, Llusia D (2020) – Climatic breadth of calling behaviour in two widespread neotropical anurans: insights from humidity extremes. Global Change Biology, 26: 5431-5446. link

. Ducrettet M, Forget P-M, Ulloa JS, Yguel B, Gaucher P, Princé K, Haupert S, Sueur J (2020) – Monitoring canopy bird activity in disturbed landscapes with automatic recorders: a case study in the tropics. Biological Conservation, 245: 108574. link

. van der Lee GH, Desjonquères C, Sueur J, Kraak MH, Verdonschot PF (2020) – Freshwater ecoacoustics: listening to the ecological status of multi-stressed lowland waters. Ecological Indicators, 113, 106252. link

. Bolaños-Sittler, P, Sueur J, Fuchs J, Aubin T (2019) – Vocalisation of the rare and flagship species Pharomachrus mocinno (Aves: Trogonidae): implications for its taxonomy, evolution and conservation. Bioacoustics, in press. link

. Sueur J, Krause B, Farina A (2019) – Climate change is breaking Earth’s beat. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 34: 971-973. link

. Ulloa JS, Aubin T, Llusia D, Courtois EA, Fouquet A, Gaucher P, Pavoine S, Sueur J (2019) – Explosive breeding in tropical anurans: environmental triggers, community composition and acoustic structure. BMC Ecology, 19:28. link

. Desjonquères C, Rybak F, Castella E, Llusia D, Sueur J (2018) – Linking sound and ecology: acoustic community composition and lateral connectivity in a riverine floodplain. Scientific Reports, 8: 1438. link

. Desjonquères C, Rybak F, Ulloa JS, Kempf A, Bar Hen A, Sueur J (2018) – Monitoring the acoustic activity of an aquatic insect population in relation with temperature, vegetation and noise. Freshwater Biology. link

. Linke S, Gifford T, Desjonquères C, Tonolla D, Aubin T, Barclay L, Karaconstantis C, Kennard MJ, Rybak F, Sueur J (2018) – Real-time ecosystem monitoring using passive acoustics in freshwater environments. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16: 231-238. link

. Gasc A, Anso J, Sueur J, Jourdan H, Desutter-Grandcolas L (2018) – Cricket calling communities as an indicator of the invasive ant Wasmannia auropuncata in New Caledonian habitats. Biological Invasions, 20: 1099-1111. link

. Ulloa JS, Aubin T, Llusia D, Bouveyron C, Sueur J (2018) – Estimating animal acoustic diversity in tropical environments using unsupervised multiresolution analysis. Ecological Indicators, 90: 346-355. link

. Sueur J (2018) – Sound analysis and synthesis with R. Springer, Berlin, 637 p. link

. Ulloa JS, Gasc A, Gaucher P, Aubin T, Réjou-Méchain M, Sueur J (2016) – Screening large audio datasets to determine the time and space distribution of Screaming Piha birds in a tropical forest. Ecological Informatics, 31: 91-99. link

. Desjonquères C, Rybak F, Depraetere M, Gasc A, Le Viol I, Pavoine S, Sueur J (2015) – First description of underwater acoustic diversity in three temperate ponds. PeerJ, 3, e1393. link

. Sueur J, Farina A (2015) – Ecoacoustics: the ecological investigation and interpretation of environmental sound. Biosemiotics, 8: 493-502. link

. Gasc A, Pavoine S, Lellouch L, Grandcolas P, Sueur J (2015) – Acoustic indices for biodiversity assessments: analyses of bias based on simulated bird assemblages and recommendations for field surveys. Biological Conservation, 191: 306-312. link

. Rodriguez A, Gasc A, Pavoine S, Gaucher P, Grandcolas P, Sueur J (2014) – Temporal and spatial dynamics of animal sound within a neotropical forest. Ecological Informatics, 21 : 133-143. link

. Sueur J, Farina A, Gasc A, Pieretti N, Pavoine S (2014) – Acoustic indices for biodiversity assessment and landscape investigation. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100: 772-781. link

. Lellouch L, Pavoine S, Jiguet F, Glotin H, Sueur J (2014) – Monitoring temporal change of bird communities with dissimilarity acoustic indices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4: 495-505. link

. Towsey M, Parsons S, Sueur J (2014) – Ecology and acoustics at a large scale. Ecological Informatics, 21: 1-3. link

. Gasc A, Sueur J, Pavoine S, Pellens R, Grandcolas P (2013) – Biodiversity sampling using a global acoustic approach: contrasting sites with micro-endemics in New Caledonia. PLoS ONE, 8(5): e65311. link

. Bormpoudakis D, Sueur J, Pantis DJ (2013) – Spatial heterogeneity of ambient sound at the habitat type level: ecological implications and applications. Landscape Ecology, 28: 495–506. link

. Gasc A, Sueur J, Jiguet F, Devictor V, Grandcolas P, Burrow C, Depraetere M Pavoine S (2013) – Assessing biodiversity with sound: do acoustic diversity indices reflect phylogenetic and functional diversities of bird communities? Ecological Indicators, 25: 279-287. link

. Depraetere M, Pavoine S, Jiguet F, Gasc A, Duvail S, Sueur J (2012) – Monitoring animal diversity using acoustic indices: implementation in a temperate woodland. Ecological Indicators, 13: 46-54. link

. Sueur J, Farina A, Gasc A, Pieretti N, Pavoine S (2014) – Acoustic indices for biodiversity assessment and landscape investigation. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100: 772-781. link

. Lellouch L, Pavoine S, Jiguet F, Glotin H, Sueur J (2014) – Monitoring temporal change of bird communities with dissimilarity acoustic indices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4: 495-505. link

. Towsey M, Parsons S, Sueur J (2014) – Ecology and acoustics at a large scale. Ecological Informatics, 21: 1-3. link

. Gasc A, Sueur J, Jiguet F, Devictor V, Grandcolas P, Burrow C, Depraetere M Pavoine S (2013) – Assessing biodiversity with sound: do acoustic diversity indices reflect phylogenetic and functional diversities of bird communities? Ecological Indicators, 25: 279-287. link

. Sueur J, Aubin T, Simonis C (2008) – seewave: a free modular tool for sound analysis and synthesis. Bioacoustics, 18: 213-226. link

. Sueur J, Pavoine S, Hamerlynck O, Duvail S (2008) – Rapid acoustic survey for biodiversity appraisal. PLoS ONE, 3(12): e4065. link