

This project aims at applying ecoacoustic method to monitor tropical night birds which particularly difficult to track with conventional methods. We will settle a network of 24 automatic recorders in the lowland tropical forest of the Réserve naturelle des Nouragues in the CNRS field research station. We will focus on key conservation species: night raptors (e.g. Megascops watsonii, Megascops roraimae, Lophostrix cristata, Pulsatrix perspicillata, Ciccaba virgata, Ciccaba huhula, Glaucidium hardyi) and tinamous (Tinamus major, Crypturellus soui, Crypturellus variegatus, Crypturellus cinereus, Crypturellus brevirostris). We will use AI techniques to detect automatically their songs so that we can estimate their presence/absence, phenology and spatial distribution.

Participants and collaborations

Christophe Thébaud, Jennifer Deville Chabrolle, Borja Mila, Guillaume Delaitre, Olivier Claessens

Université de Toulouse, Réserve naturellle des Nouragues, GEPOG


Labex CEBA


Sound samples

Nouragues, 2012-12-08 @5h34
